A rise to the government amid a crisis of the political system: The trajectory of the Chilean Broad Front and its limits



In this article, we analyze whether, beyond their discourse, the Broad Front (FA) and its parties have managed to overcome in a different way the crisis affecting the entire party system in Chile. On the one hand, this article contributes to the analysis of the trajectory of the FA from its origins to its rise to power in 2022. On the other hand, it questions, beyond its electoral success, its limited grassroots and construction of a response to social problems in a context of economic, social and institutional crisis. To do so, we use interviews with FA and other party members, as well as internal and press sources


left, Chile, coalitions, parties, Broad Front

Author Biographies

Axel Nogué, Universidad Jean Jaurès

Doctorante en historia contemporánea, Universidad Toulouse Jean Jaurès. Egresado del Instituto de Estudios Políticos de Toulouse, máster en Relaciones internacionales.

Emmanuelle Barozet, Universidad de Chile

Socióloga, Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Chile,  Investigadora principal del COES, Centro de Estudios de Conflicto y Cohesión Social, (COES). Diplomada del Institut d’Études Politiques de París, Sciences-Po, máster en Historia y Civilización y doctorada en Sociología por la Ecole des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de Paris.