La masividad de las transferencias de ingresos y los márgenes de la burocracia para recrear la política pública. Una mirada sobre la asignación universal por hijo en Argentina.


  • Pilar Arcidiácono Universidad de Buenos Aires - Investigadora del CONICET


The Universal Child Allocation (UCA) in Argentina involved a quantitative change in terms of increased benefits and a qualitative change through the incorporation of income transfers as part of a non-contributory social security policy. At the same time, it maintained the education and health conditions. This article moves away from the common treatment of social programs or policy centred on “access” as a privileged moment and the (extra-institutional, personalized and informal) intermediation among recipients and policy. Instead, this article proposes looking at processes related to the “permanence” (which depend on whether the conditions are met or not), identifying the margins that the design of UCA gives to social security and bureaucrats on the street as intermediaries for recreating policy and influence family welfare.