Disconfigured Democracy: cases from Latin America and Europe.


                                                                                                                    Call for Papers "Política, Revista de Ciencia Política"

                                                                                                                                          (Number 2, December 2024)

Política, Revista de Ciencia Política is a biannual publication from the School of Government at the Universidad de Chile since 1982. Its objective is to disseminate research generated in the main currents of political science, aiming toward the consolidation of this discipline in Chile and Latin America. This is a peer-reviewed open-

access journal with no article publication fees.


The journal’s 2024 Number 2 will be published in December 2024. It will address issues

related to Disconfigured Democracy: cases from Latin America and Europe. Manuscripts are sought to address diverse realities that affect the political system such as populism, anti-party sentiment and institutional crises. This issue will be co-edited with the Academic of the Università degli Studi di Bergamo, Italy, Manuel Anselmi, expert in populism and political ideology in Europe and Latin America.


Articles of other relevant themes for political science, public policies and social science are also welcome for the journal’s permanent call.


Articles must be submitted through the platform on the journal’s website:

https://revistapolitica.uchile.cl/ following its editorial guidelines, with a maximum length

of 8,000 words. All papers will undergo a double-blind review process. Original articles

are welcome in Spanish, English, and Portuguese. Accepted articles will be published in

the second issue of December 2024. Article submissions for this issue will be received

until September 15, 2024.


María Cristina Escudero.


Política, Revista de Ciencia Política

Facultad de Gobierno

Universidad de Chile


Manuel Anselmi.


Dipartimento di Lettere, Filosofia e Comunicazione
Università degli Studi di Bergamo