The building of the temple of San Pedro Apóstol in the south of the Lake of Maracaibo 1770-1780



The research focuses on the construction of the temple of San Pedro Apóstol in the south of Lago de Maracaibo, as a cultural fact, which responds to the affirmation of its role as a collective integrating entity at the end of the eighteenth century, as it was achieved to generate a “complex cultural encounter” between that agrarian community, in which Hispano-Creoles, hacendados, free workers, enslaved and also merchants participated, most of them Afro-descendants. The analysis identifies and reveals the project’s underlying threads, the formal origins of the temple and the identification of its artificers.


religious buildings, architectural elements, craftsmen, San Pedro Apóstol, south of Lago de Maracaibo

Author Biography

Luis Alberto Ramírez Méndez, Universidad Central de Venezuela

Doctor en Historia por la Universidad Central de Venezuela. Correo electrónico