Knowledge of General Health Law with Respect to Blood Transfusions by Physicians and Patients Jehovah witnesses in Hospital Dr. Dario Contreras of Dominican Republic
Elsa Díaz Santana
Comité de Ética y de Investigación del Centro de Diagnóstico y Medicina Avanzada y de Conferencias Médicas y de Telemedicin
This study evaluates up to which degree physicians of Hospital Dr. Dario Contreras of Dominican Republicknow, respect, inform and apply the General Health Law in relation to the right of Jehovah witness patients to refuse beingblood transfused (respect to their autonomy). It also evaluates whether Jehovah witnesses know General Health Law and inwhich degree they have been benefited by putting it into practice. The study reveals that Jehovah Witnesses do not knowthe law.
General Health Law, blood transfusions, Jehovah Witnesses, autonomy
Author Biography
Elsa Díaz Santana, Comité de Ética y de Investigación del Centro de Diagnóstico y Medicina Avanzada y de Conferencias Médicas y de Telemedicin
Farmacéutica. Jefe de Servicio de Farmacia. Vicepresidenta del Comité de Ética y de Investigación del Centro de Diagnóstico y Medicina Avanzada y de Conferencias Médicas y de Telemedicina (CEDIMAT), Santo Domingo
Díaz Santana, E. (2010). Knowledge of General Health Law with Respect to Blood Transfusions by Physicians and Patients Jehovah witnesses in Hospital Dr. Dario Contreras of Dominican Republic. Acta Bioethica, 16(1). Retrieved from