Learning, Previous Experience and Assessment Criteria in Musical Education at the University Level


  • Tania Ibáñez Gericke Universidad de Chile


The present paper describes part of an ongoing process of innovation which started in 2009 of both the current curriculum and the assesment practices of the Music Department (DMUS) of the Faculty of Arts at the University of Chile. I identify some of the most important critical points that have emerged from the analysis of the current practices of the DMUS academic programs of musical performance, along with the teachers’s representations of the musical learning evaluation. The problems are similar to those of other university institutions that started in a conservatory cultural system. The educational current model of the DMUS is partly described on the basis of two aspects that I consider relevant: previous experiences and the assessment criteria. I focus on these aspects because of the complexity evinced at different periods of time, both in our institution and elsewhere in similar institutions, and on account of the interest they have aroused in different instances of socializaton. Finally, I propose some elements and viewpoints concerning the music learning process, which I hope can contribute to improve the understanding of these practices, particularly among those teachers and students that are participating in processes of curricular innovation of music academic programs.


musical assessment, education, musical performance, educational research