Legal mechanisms of international protection in the light of the rates of sexual and gender-based violence in Latin America


  • José Díaz Lafuente Universitat Jaume I


According to recent reports published by the United Nations, Latin America is the region with the highest rates of sexual and gender-based violence perpetrated against women and against all those whose gender identity or sexual orientation does not fit to the traditional and heteronormative parameters of patriarchy. On the basis of the global context affected by massive migratory movements and by alarming rates of VSBG, in this paper, from an integral approach and taking into consideration the intersectionality that the issue requires, it is introduced a critical analysis of the legal protection mechanisms of the international human rights system to proceed, from a gender perspective, to the study of the normative regulatory framework of the European Union asylum policy. All this, with the aim of highlighting the necessary guarantees for the effective and equal recognition of the right to request international protection by persecuted women and LGBT+ people, recognizing the predominant androcentrism existing in the EU asylum policy and identifying those good practices that can be extrapolated to other Latin American jurisdictions.


International protection, Gender, Sexual violence