Policies and Strategies to Combat Poverty and to Promote Development in Mozambique: Elements of Continuity and Discontinuity


  • Jochua Abrão Baloi Universidade São Tomás de Moçambique


This article comes about with the objective of analyzing in a comparative way the elements of continuity and discontinuity between the policies and strategies to combat poverty and to promote development related to the foreign policy that Mozambique adopted after independence. The main idea is that these policies (PPI, PRE (S), PARPA's) did not achieve their goals; so much that they were updated successively, adjusting them according to the political-economic situation in which Mozambique was living. Mozambique pursued this path because it aimed to maintain the defense of the country's independence and sovereignty, eradicating poverty, consolidating national unity and strengthening democracy and freedom. Therefore, it is concluded that in these policies and strategies there is, on the one hand, a continuity of the objectives previously outlined, but also as the intention to better eradicate poverty and achieve development, there are elements of rupture among them


Poverty, Development, Politics, Mozambique