Desafíos emergentes de la gobernabilidad


  • Guadalupe Ruiz Giménez


The concern for governance is understood by increasing globalization and the evidence that economic growth, social equity, and democratic stability are essential for comprehensive and sustained development. Today there is a new security scheme in which global problems force to reformulate international cooperation models based on co-responsibility and mutual interest. Given that the nation-state has had to yield powers to supra-state entities and local governance mechanisms have been reformed, it has become imperative to transform the state apparatus and adapt its relationship with civil society. The foregoing requires mechanisms for dialogue, negotiation and control; guarantee the integration of all sectors; implement instruments and promote urban governance and decentralized cooperation.


Governance, Globalization, Cooperation, State Transformation, Civil Society

Author Biography

Guadalupe Ruiz Giménez

Secretaria General de la Asociación de Investigación y Especialización sobre Temas Iberoamericanos - AIETI.