Los tres pilares del acuerdo de asociación Chile-Unión Europea : diálogo político, cooperación y comercio.


  • Antonio Blanc Altemir


This article analyzes the three pillars of the Chile-European Union Association Agreement, in force since March 1, 2005: political dialogue, cooperation and trade. The Agreement incorporates the most comprehensive and ambitious economic and commercial chapter of all those the EU has signed up to the present time in this type of agreement, also including political dialogue and cooperation as central axes, arranging a political and economic association between the Parties, based on reciprocity, common interest and the deepening of their relationships. The great expectations that the Agreement has generated in all fields, and which have been confirmed after the first two years of its commercial chapter, have been further increased after the accession of ten new members to the EU.


Chile-European Union Association Agreement, Political Dialogue, Cooperation, Trade, Political and Economic Association

Author Biography

Antonio Blanc Altemir

Doctor en derecho, Universidad de Barcelona; profesor titular de derecbo internacional público y relaciones internacionales en la Universidad de Lleida; profesor visitante en diversas universidades europeas y latinoamericanas; autor, editor y coautor de numerosas publicaciones.