La reforma constitucional de 2005 en materia de tratados internacionales


  • Marisol Peña Torres


On August 17, 2005, in Chile the parliamentary processing of the most complete and comprehensive constitutional reform was completed after the one approved in August 1989. The approval of this constitutional reform assumed a series of gaps and questions posed by the drafting of the norms contained in the original text of the Political Constitution regarding international treaties. This, without a doubt, has perfected the Fundamental Charter; However, a series of essential matters to be addressed have remained pending that will help to realize the full insertion of Chile in the globalized world.


Chile, Political Constitution of the State, Constitutional Reform, International Treaties, Globalization

Author Biography

Marisol Peña Torres

Profesora de derecho constitucional y de derecho internacional público de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y de la Academia Nacional de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos.