
IMPORTANT: Starting from Wednesday, May 22, 2024, all manuscripts accepted for publication in 2025 must also be published in an English version. This translation must be managed and funded by the authors, as the journal will no longer cover these costs.

The Revista Chilena de Fonoaudiología accepts manuscripts on an ongoing basis throughout the calendar year. The journal operates under a "continuous publication" model.

Behavior of the oral diadochokinetic parameters in primary school students and its relationship with the sociocultural level and phonetic-phonological performance


  • Claudia Belén Badilla Díaz Departamento de Español, Facultad de Humanidades y Arte, Universidad de Concepción
  • Jaime Patricio Soto-Barba Departamento de Español, Facultad de Humanidades y Arte, Universidad de Concepción https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6513-4534
  • Hernán Mauricio León Valdés Departamento de Fonoaudiología, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Concepción, Chile https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7986-7509
  • Katia Lorena Sáez Carrillo Departamento de Estadística, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas, Universidad de Concepción


The aim of this research is to evaluate the behavior of the oral diadochokinetic parameters in first grade students, who belong to two different sociocultural environments and have different phonetic-phonological performance. To reach this objective, the oral diadochokinetic parameters were evaluated through monosyllabic repetition of [pa], [t̪a] and [ka] using the syllable emission method in a specific time. The syllable emission analysis was carried out through the Motor Speech Profile program, which provided with measurement values for five diadochokinetic parameters (DDKavp, DDKavr, DDKcvp, DDKjit, DDKcvi). On the other hand, the phonetic-phonological performance was analyzed through the Classification of Phonetic and Phonological Adjustments (CLAFF). The results showed differences between both sociocultural groups only for the parameters DDKcvp/%/ y DDKjit/%/, while the other diadochokinetic parameters behaved in a similar way. The low sociocultural children group had a higher variability in the DDK parameters and a higher percentage of disturbances. Significant relations could be seen between some phonetic-phonological adjustments and some diadochokinetic parameters.


DDK, Oral diadochokinetic, Sociocultural level, Phonetic-phonological performance