
Call for papers Revista de Arquitectura N.º 47. 

Ways of looking at architectural sustainability + FREE THEME


Deadline for receipt of articles:  September 10, 2024

Guidelines for authors: https://dearquitectura.uchile.cl/index.php/RA/about/submissions

Some marital relations between architecture and art



With the purpose of putting in modest evidence and analyzing some of the most intense, productive and current relationships between architecture and certain artistic manifestations, a series of eight exemplary cases is selected in which the classic limits between the different disciplines dissipate. In Donald Judd's work, every plastic piece is at the same time object and building, space and atmosphere. The Chilean Glass House, pregnant with Daniella Tobar, makes the room transparent and transforms it into a stage: it turns hermit life into a show. Guatemalan architecture student Rogelia Cruz incorporates violence into the protest action of places: she inoculates politics into architecture intravenously. The destroyer architect Mohamed Atta, with his terrorist procedures, supplies arguments to war and materials and images to art. Nenrod, the ideologue of the Tower of Babel, emerges from the past demanding that the words of Genesis that define it transcend in figures, in forms, in architectural appearances. Lara Almacegui documents, as Kafka and Matta-Clark already did, the process of decomposition and disappearance of a house in Otwock, and Soledad Sevilla returns the memory of her patio looted to a castle in Vélez Blanco.


Antigraphy, Donald Judd, Francisco de Holanda, Lara Almacegui, Soledad Sevilla


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