Foreign Real Estate Investment in Málaga and its Presence in the Spanish Mediterranean



Foreign investment has traditionally played an important role in the real estate sector on the Costa del Sol, and since 2014, it has focused its attention on the real estate development business sector through international development companies and development companies linked to investment funds. The aim of this study is to explore the extent of their participation in the property development market in the province, as well as to evaluate the differences and similarities of this participation with respect to those existing in other tourist destinations in the Spanish Mediterranean. The methodology is based on data on new-build homes offered, provided by the main real estate portals operating in Spain. The data allows to confirm that companies linked to foreign companies lead the market for new-build homes on the Costa del Sol and its province, with a share above that of national and local developers, and with a greater market share than in mature Mediterranean tourist markets such as Alicante and the Balearic Islands. In addition, the new emerging technology sectors represent an opportunity for the local real estate market by generating new demand for housing in the most dynamic and touristic areas of the city.


Fondos de Inversión y Sociedades de Inversión del Mercado Inmobiliario, Financiarizacion, Políticas Públicas, Promotores inmobiliarios, Empresas Tecnológicas

Author Biographies

Ricardo Urrestarazu Capellan, Universidad de Málaga


 Articulo “The influence of the real estate investment trust in the real estate sector on the Costa del Sol” publicado en la revista European Research on Management and Business Economics, 2021, incluida en el indice Journal Citation Reports.

Articulo: “Una aproximación a la influencia del sector turístico sobre el derecho a la vivienda”. Revista de Estudios Regionales.  ISSN 0213-7585, Nº. 117, 2020, págs. 71-95

Articulo “Social Perception of the Influence of Public Policies on the Residential Rental and Holiday Tourism Rental Markets”, publicado en African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure 2021, incluida en índice Scopus.

Articulo: “Tendencias en el mercado de alquiler residencial y turístico vacacional en tiempos de pandemia: el caso de la ciudad de Málaga” eXtoikos, ISSN-e 2173-2035, Nº. 23, 2020, págs. 9-14

Articulo: “The impact of cultural and urban tourism on housing”. Journal of Tourism and Heritage Research: JTHR, ISSN-e 2659-3580, Vol. 2, Nº. 4, 2019, págs. 257-272

Artículo: “El sector promotor inmobiliario de la provincia de Málaga en la actualidad. Características y figuras principales” eXtoikos, Nº 24, 2021. 11-18.

Capitulo de Revista: “An approach to the determining factors of housing supply elasticity in Spain during the first decade of the 21st Century” Tourism, Economy and Environment: Challenges and Research Trends. Julio 2020.

Capitulo de libro: “The Impact of Vacation Rentals on Housing: State of the Art and Proposals” en Handbook of Research on the Impacts, Challenges, and Policy Responses to Overtourism. IGI Global. February, 2020. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-2224-0.

Capítulo de libro: “La satisfacción y la interacción social como factores motivacionales del aprendizaje bajo una formación a distancia en alumnos universitarios de nuevo ingreso” en Innovación docente e investigación en ciencias sociales, económicas, y jurídicas: nuevos enfoques en la metodología docente. Ed. DYKINSON, ISBN: 978-84-1122-005-7 (17/12/2021).

Francisco de Asis Salazar Pico, Universidad de Málaga

Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales por la Universidad de Málaga (España).

Profesor Sustituto Interino de Organización de Empresas, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, España.


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