Neighborhood Recuperation Program urban impact, some key guidelines for future managements


  • Isabel Zapata Alegría Universidad de Chile
  • Gonzalo Arias Universidad de Chile


This article contrasts the 87 neighborhoods location pattern, that are part of ‘Quiero Mi Barrio’ (I want my neighborhood) program of the MINVU (Ministry of Housing and Urbanism) in the SMA (Santiago Metropolitan Area), defi ned by INVI research according to physical spatial deterioration within the greater Santiago area using the social housing project location pattern applied during 1980-2003. This last group of social housing projects universe is linked to processes of social-spatial and socio- economic segregation, environment deterioration, stigmatizing and a negative social image, social exclusion processes therefore of greater social vulnerability, and diffi culties for spatial and functional insertion in the metropolitan system. Hence, there is a program objectives and internal territorial focalization debate within the urban consolidate, from the urban and neighborhood recuperation public investment effi ciency perspective. The georeferenciation of the neighborhoods and social housing projects universe analyzed is part of the INVI SIG housing theme cartography elaboration, within the Sistema de Informacion de la Vivienda (SIV) (housing information system) framework developed.

Author Biographies

Isabel Zapata Alegría, Universidad de Chile

Architect. Dip. on Humans settlements. Social Housing specialist. Masters in Geography (T). Housing Institute professor, school of Architecture and Urbanism, U. de Chile.

Gonzalo Arias, Universidad de Chile

Geographer, U. de Chile.