Building the Future: The Provision of Residence for the Homeless. A Proposal Made by the SA HLM Beauvais Team and Architect Raúl Pastrana


  • Raúl Pastrana Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-La Villette
  • Carlos Martínez Universidad de Chile
  • Pablo Echiburú Universidad de Chile


This paper is about the architectonical proposition made in France by Raúl Pastrana and his team. He proposes a group of progressive houses for the French homeless. The main factors in the design have been the participation of the inhabitants and most important and most important, the great flexibility which show the procedures uses to define spaces and the capacity to foresee enlargements of these houses, all of which have been formulated by the inhabitants themselves. So as to carry out participatory actions in the best possible way, a mutual help studio was created, with professionals guiding the propositions of change, enlargements and everything dealing with this operation.

Author Biographies

Raúl Pastrana, Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-La Villette

Arquitecto argentino nacionalizado francés, titulado en la Universidad de Buenos Aries (DUBA), profesor en la Ecole d'Architecture de Paris-La Villete (EAPLV)

Carlos Martínez, Universidad de Chile

Traducción. Arquitecto académico del Instituto de la Vivienda, FAU-UCH

Pablo Echiburú, Universidad de Chile

Traducción. Arquitecto académico del Instituto de la Vivienda, FAU-UCH